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- calculate_and_fit_fcs_traces_with_the_fcs_script @howto
- * The first decreasing part is due to detector afterpulsing and an unwanted artifact from the detector. If cw... png?600 }} **Note:** A possibility to remove the afterpulsing when working with cw excitation is splitting the ... mainly [[glossary:Hybrid PMT]]s) also have so low afterpulsing that the problem does not occur. * If the samp... ith a pulsed laser, there's another way to remove afterpulsing: * Open the "FLCS Background Correction" dropdo
- calculate_fccs_trace_with_the_grouped_fcs_script @howto
- g part of the autocorrelations is due to detector afterpulsing, an unwanted artifact from the detector. As the afterpulsing is not correlated between both detectors, the cros
- calibrate_the_confocal_volume_for_fcs_using_the_fcs_calibration_script @howto
- e background in the TCPSC window. As the detector afterpulsing is not correlated with the laser pulse on the time range of interest, photons caused by detector afterpulsing behave similar as background photons. * Click o
- differential_count_rate @glossary
- hape) but also an increased probability to detect afterpulsing. A frequently asked question is: "//Why we have
- separation_of_2_species_with @howto
- ground, mainly caused by dark counts and detector afterpulsing. {{ separation_of_2_species_with_Image_32.png?6