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- antibunching_measurements
- ore S., Laurence T.A., Hollars C. W., Huser T.: //Counting constituents in molecular complexes by fluorescen... : //Experimental approach to extend the range for counting fluorescent molecules based on photon-antibunchin
- intensity_time_trace_analysis
- for the two channels.\\ **On the right**, photon counting histograms (PCH) are plotted, indicating the freq... ignals in Images ==== **Note:** PicoQuant photon counting boards can register up to four external marker si
- using_the_antibunching_script
- complete trace above marked in green. The photon counting histogram on the right displays the frequencies o... detectors arrive a different times at the photon counting TCSPC unit. Consequently, a systematic shift of t
- calculate_and_fit_fcs_traces_with_the_fcs_script
- complete trace above marked in green. The photon counting histogram on the right displays the frequencies o
- calculate_fccs_trace_with_the_grouped_fcs_script
- complete trace above marked in green. The photon counting histogram on the right displays the frequencies o
- calibrate_the_confocal_volume_for_fcs_using_the_fcs_calibration_script
- lete trace above highlighted in green. The photon counting histogram on the right displays the frequencies o
- flim_fret_calculation_for_multi_exponential_donors
- nics (e.g. hybrid PMA-detector + MultiHarp photon counting board), where the peak count rates have been sign
- lifetime-fitting_using_the_rapid_reconvolution_algorithm
- ector pulses will overlap and merge into one. The counting and timing system can then no longer resolve the
- separation_of_2_species_with
- lete trace above highlighted in green. The photon counting histogram on the right displays the frequencies o
- using_the_flcs_script_for_spectral_crosstalk_removal_via_flccs
- lete trace above highlighted in green. The photon counting histogram on the right displays the frequencies o