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- differential_count_rate
- sic principles of TCSPC in order to avoid various counting losses.(E.g. to avoid the [[pile-up effect]]). Ho... several orders of magnitude. This causes not only counting losses (=> invalid IRF shape) but also an increas... and Tahei Tahara, Note: Simple calibration of the counting-rate dependence of the timing shift of single pho
- dead_time
- ary:Pile-up Effect]]. Note that not only TCSPC devices but also photon counting devices exhibit dead times.
- hybrid_pmt
- ttps://
- mcp
- ufficiently small to perform time-resolved photon counting on a sub-nanosecond- scale, usually outperforming
- pile-up_effect
- d time of the TCSPC devices. Most single photon counting detectors and [[TCSPC]] electronics have a [[dead
- spad
- === SPAD ====== SPAD means **S**ingle **P**hoton counting **A**valanche photo-**D**iode. It stands commonly
- t3-mode
- chosen:\\ The time tag is now obtained by simply counting sync pulses. From the T3 Mode event records it is