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- symphotime_tips_and_tricks @howto
- In detail, this tutorial covers: * Different file-types used or generated by SymPhoTime64 * Image... tional options and tools otherwise hidden ===== File-Type Overview ===== ^Workspace: may contain these Filetypes ^ Content of the file ^ How to get such a file in the workspace ^ How to open/process^ |''.ptu''|R
- syntax @wiki
- is behavior can be enabled in the [[doku>config]] file. Hint: If DokuWiki is a link, then it's enabled. ... ?php /** * Customization of the english language file * Copy only the strings that needs to be modifie... ning the syntax for links and [[#images_and_other_files|images]] (see below) like this: [[http://php.... ted in link names. The whole [[#images_and_other_files|image]] and [[#links|link]] syntax is supported
- lifetime_fitting_using_the_tcpsc_fitting_script @howto
- }} ===== Step-by-Step Tutorial ===== Select a file and start the script * Start [[products:SymPho... ] software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File\open Workspace" from the main menu. **Note:** Th... e going through this tutorial. **Response:** The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the wor... _fitting_script_Image_1.png }} * Highlight the file ''ATTO655_diff_FLCS-pattern.ptu'' by a single mou
- software
- lar, please check if they use current versions of file formats and/or programming libraries before you i... s, supports the established Zeiss ConfoCor3 ~.fcs file format. PyCorrFit comes with several built-in mod... ad and correlate time-tagged time resolved (TTTR) files. * [[|FLIM... S Bulk Correlation Software accepting pt3 and ptu files. for fitting see
- calculate_ratiometric_single_pair_fret_distributions_using_the_pie-fret_script @howto
- ===== Step-by-Step Tutorial ===== ==== Select a file and start the script ==== * Start [[products:... ] software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File\open Workspace" from the main menu. **Note:** Th... e going through this tutorial. **Response:** The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the wor... pie-fret_script_Image_1.png }} * Highlight the file ''Cy3+Cy5_diff_PIE-FRET.ptu'' by a single mouse c
- data_file_import @howto
- ==== Data file import ==== Create a new workspace or open an existing one: {{ :howto:et2_createopen.png | File menu }} Then select Import Files. A new dialog opens, where the data file is selected: {{ :howto:et2_fileimport.png | Selects the file
- separation_of_2_species_with @howto
- ===== Step-by-Step Tutorial ===== ==== Select a file and start the script ==== * Start [[products:S... ] software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File\open Workspace" from the main menu. **Note:**\\ ... e going through this tutorial. **Response:** The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the wor... _2_species_with_Image_1.png }} * Highlight the file ''ATTO655+Cy5_diff_FCS+FLCS.ptu'' by a single mou
- calculate_ratiometric_single_pair_fret_distributions @howto
- ===== Step-by-Step Tutorial ===== ==== Select a file and start the script ==== * Start [[products:S... ] software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File\open Workspace" from the main menu. **Note:** Th... e going through this tutorial. **Response:** The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the wor... t_distributions_Image_1.png }} * Highlight the file ''Cy3+Cy5_diff_PIE-FRET.ptu'' by a single mouse c
- visualizing_dynamics_using_the_multiframe-flim_script @howto
- ===== Step-by-Step Tutorial ===== ==== Select a file and start the analysis ==== * Start SymPhoTime... on 2.5). * Open the "Tutorials" workspace via **File -> Open Workspace** from the main menu.\\ **Response:​**\\ ​ The files of the "Tutorials" workspace are displayed in th... e left side of the main window. * Highlight the file ''Hyperosmotic_Shock_MDCK_Cells.ptu'' ​by a singl
- roi_fitting_using_the_flim_script @howto
- arge }} ===== Step-by-Step ===== ==== Select a file and start the script ==== * Start [[products:S... ] software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File\open Workspace" from the main menu. **Note:** Th... e going through this tutorial. **Response:** The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the wor... the_flim_script_Image_1.png }} * Highlight the file ''DaisyPollen_cells_FLIM.ptu'' by a single mouse
- flim_fret_calculation_for_multi_exponential_donors @howto
- e [[ files/7267/appnote_flim_fret.pdf]]. The example image ... 4 software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File\open Workspace" from the main menu. **Note:**\\ ... going through this tutorial. **Response:**\\ The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the wor... onential_donors_Image_1.png }} * Highlight the file ''CENP-labelled _cells_for_FRET.ptu'' by a single
- using_the_flcs_script_for_spectral_crosstalk_removal_via_flccs @howto
- ===== Step-by-Step Tutorial ===== ==== Select a file and start the script ==== * Start [[products:S... ] software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File\open Workspace" from the main menu. **Note:** Th... e going through this tutorial. **Response:** The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the wor... moval_via_flccs_Image_1.png }} * Highlight the file ''IBA488+IBA547_unlinked_mix.ptu'' by a single mo
- calculate_fccs_trace_with_the_grouped_fcs_script @howto
- ===== Step-by-Step Tutorial ===== ==== Select a file and start the script ==== * Start [[products:S... ] software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File\open Workspace" from the main menu. **Note:** Th... e going through this tutorial. **Response:** The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the wor... calculate_fccs_Image_1.png }} * Highlight the file ''IBA488+547_crosslinked.ptu'' by a single mouse
- using_the_anisotropy_image_script @howto
- ===== Step-by-Step Tutorial ===== ==== Select a file and start the script ==== * Start [[products:S... ] software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File\open Workspace" from the main menu. **Note:** Th... e going through this tutorial. **Response:** The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the wor... mage_script_Image_1.png?217 }} * Highlight the file ''Cy5_immo_FLIM+Pol-imaging''. {{ using_the_aniso
- visualizing_dynamics_with_the_multi_frame_flim_analysis @howto
- ===== Step-by-Step Tutorial ===== ==== Select a file and start the script ==== * Start [[products:S... ] software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File -> Open Workspace" from the main menu. **Note:**... e going through this tutorial. **Response:** The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the wor... lizing_dynamics_Image_1.png }} * Highlight the file ''GUVs.ptu'' by a single mouse click. {{ visualiz