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- old_dongles_drivers_for_fluofit_symphotime_32 @faq:old_dongles_drivers_for_fluofit_symphotime_32
- {{tag>FAQ SymPhoTime SPT FluoFit old dongle driver }} ====== Using Old Dongles for FluoFit and Older Versions of SymPhoTime (SymPhoTime 32) ... may follow these steps to attempt to get the FluoFit/SymPhoTime dongle working. ===== Procedure 1: Re... ug in the Hardlock dongle. When reinstalling FluoFit, do not override the driver. ===== Procedure 2:
- novaflim_calculated_irf
- combination of two Gaussian curves (a total of 5 fit parameters). These parameters are adjusted during Initial Fit. Roughly speaking, the IRF (Instrument Response... of sigma1 and sigma2; i.e., (sima1+sigma2)/2. The fitting parameters are: * X-position of the maxim... e IRF is determined only during the initial TCSPC fit, which means it may vary depending on the differe