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old_dongles_drivers_for_fluofit_symphotime_32 @faq:old_dongles_drivers_for_fluofit_symphotime_32
12 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag>FAQ SymPhoTime SPT FluoFit old dongle driver }} ====== Using Old Dongles for FluoFit and Older Versions of SymPhoTime (SymPhoTime 32) ... may follow these steps to attempt to get the FluoFit/SymPhoTime dongle working. ===== Procedure 1: Re... ug in the Hardlock dongle. When reinstalling FluoFit, do not override the driver. ===== Procedure 2:
4 Hits, Last modified:
combination of two Gaussian curves (a total of 5 fit parameters). These parameters are adjusted during Initial Fit. Roughly speaking, the IRF (Instrument Response... e IRF is determined only during the initial TCSPC fit, which means it may vary depending on the differe... the same fixed IRF established during the initial fit. This model is the result of extensive internal