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14 Hits, Last modified:
pen/process^ |''.ptu''|Raw data in a unified TTTR-format|<WRAP> - Generated by a measurement - Import ... ment file, contains manually entered text (e.g. information about the experiment)|Menu: **File → Create Co... ta) file opens a file viewer, in which you find information about the file type and acquisition settings <imgcaption image1| ''.ptu'' file information and comment > {{info_image.png?800| }} </imgca
6 Hits, Last modified:
gle FRET pair can be analyzed, e.g. to observe conformational changes.\\ To record such traces, usually si... h was used to excite the Cy5 dye directly. This information is used to distinguish molecules with and with... lecules as in this example file. For observing conformational fluctuations of a single immobilized molecul... 1. The other two peaks are due to twodifferent conformations of the RNA oligonucleotide measured in this s
5 Hits, Last modified:
gle FRET pair can be analyzed, e.g. to observe conformational changes.\\ To record such traces, usually si... h was used to excite the Cy5 dye directly. This information is not used in this script (in fact, for this ... lecules as in this example file. For observing conformational fluctuations of a single immobilized molecul... . The other two peaks are due to two different conformations of this RNA oligonucleotide measured in this
4 Hits, Last modified:
youtube>NRFaEuSb778?large }} ===== Background Information ===== * ATTO488 (ATTO-Tec, Germany) is a su... odel and see the fitting parameter. If you need information about how the fitting models are defined and w... et al., 2005, Biophys. J. 89, 4029-4042)).\\ **Conformational:** Use this model if your dye is undergoing conformational changes when diffusing through the confocal
4 Hits, Last modified:
rts the image as an ASCII array using a text-file format. Thereby one array encodes the intensity values, ... mage series as a series of binary files. The data format of these files is described on the SymPhoTime Online help. The binary files contain the photon information of each TCSPC-channel and can be imported e.g.... icroTime system, or you transfer the image size information automatically via a handshake software, as in
3 Hits, Last modified:
youtube>rOas2iDwUzY?large }} ===== Background Information ===== [[glossary:fret|FRET]] is a method to determine molecular interactions or conformational changes based on a suited donor/acceptor pai... " and "7" for "Cross Talk". **Note:** For more information about the equation used for image calculation,
3 Hits, Last modified:
easurements. For more details, see **Additional Information** at the end of this step-by-step manual.\\ Pa... by adding a background pattern (see Additional Information at the end of this step-by-step manual). From ... rn_matching_Image_22.png?600 }} === Additional Information === **Note:** There is a lot of possibilities
3 Hits, Last modified:
youtube>O2lTTF70tZE?large }} ===== Background Information ===== **Note:** Fluorescence Cross-Correlatio... elation that involves the fluorescence lifetime information. As the fluorescence lifetime information is used to remove a false positive contribution due to spect
2 Hits, Last modified:
youtube>0Ht_L3a53E0?large }} ===== Background Information ===== Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectros... o vary in their fluorescence lifetime, for more information please check the tutorials for Fluorescence Li
2 Hits, Last modified:
youtube>zHfGae_Pd8A?large }} ===== Background information ===== FLIM-FRET is a robust method to determi... ial_donors_Image_9.png }} **Note:**\\ For more information about the different ROI selection tools, check
2 Hits, Last modified:
youtube>Ka51hZNw3u8?large }} ===== Background information ===== FLIM-FRET is a robust method to determi... OCA-1, proteins involved in filopodia and vesicle formation ((Sample courtesy of S. Ahmed, T. Sudhaharan,
2 Hits, Last modified:
torial-2015.03.07%20-%20Using%20PicoQuant%20PT3%20format%20for%20FLIM.pdf| Using PicoQuant PT3 format for FLIM ]] * [[
2 Hits, Last modified:
Start menu, store the histograms in ''.phu'' data format. Older software versions of various timing electronics may use other data file formats. Possible file name extensions are ''.thd, .nhd,
1 Hits, Last modified:
youtube>K_dyVx-l_tY?large }} ===== Background Information ===== **Note:** Calibration is a necessary ta
1 Hits, Last modified:
ingly. Please check the different FLIM-related tutorials for more information about the fitting.
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1 Hits, Last modified: