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4 Hits, Last modified:
pen/process^ |''.ptu''|Raw data in a unified TTTR-format|<WRAP> - Generated by a measurement - Import ... ted as one single pixel in the tiff * the tiff format for the number is float, therefore the real value... t in the FLIM-script, can be exported in an ASCII-format as well as in a bitmap format. If the graphs consists on different cells, e.g. the decay and the residual
2 Hits, Last modified:
rts the image as an ASCII array using a text-file format. Thereby one array encodes the intensity values, ... mage series as a series of binary files. The data format of these files is described on the SymPhoTime Onl
1 Hits, Last modified:
or exporting the data as bitmap graph or in ASCII format. * Store the result file by selecting: "Save R
1 Hits, Last modified:
torial-2015.03.07%20-%20Using%20PicoQuant%20PT3%20format%20for%20FLIM.pdf| Using PicoQuant PT3 format for FLIM ]] * [[
1 Hits, Last modified:
xports the image as ASCII array using a text file format. Thereby one array encodes the intensity values,
1 Hits, Last modified:
Start menu, store the histograms in ''.phu'' data format. Older software versions of various timing electr
1 Hits, Last modified:
rts the image as an ASCII array using a text-file format. Thereby one array encodes the intensity values,