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- fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy-_a_short_introduction @general
- uorescence Correlation Spectroscopy ====== ===== General Background ===== Fluorescence Correlation Spectr... T]]. ===== The autocorrelation function ===== In general all relevant information is conveyed by the norma... function is different. <imgcaption figure1|>{{ :general:fcs1.png|Basic concepts of FCS. (A)Slowly diffusi... e and smaller G(0) in comparision to case (A). In general, slower diffusion "shifts" the curve to longer ti
- symphotime_tips_and_tricks @howto
- ns This tutorial assumes SymPhoTime V2.0 ===== General UI Philosophy ===== * right clicking on graphs... ent > {{info_image.png?800| }} </imgcaption> The general file information contains for example: * the n... specially important for LSM upgrade kits where in general several frames are recorded, while for an image a... on the scaling of the color-encoded component (in general, the lifetime). Changing the color scale can also
- start
- that the Support team of PicoQuant found to be of general interest to our customers or people working with ... me Resolved Fluorescence or [[glossary:TCSPC]] in general. It is not meant to be complete. ==== Frequently... ~~TAGCLOUD:30~~ ===== Basics ===== [[Basics|General Introductions]] [[
- flim_fcs_using_olympus_fluoview_fv3000_lsm_upgrade_kit
- ympus FluoView FV3000 laser scanning microscope. General recording of FLIM images can also be found using the link below. The general principles of the data acquisition are analogous
- flim-fret_measurement_using_an_olympus_fv1200_with_a_flim_and_fcs_upgrade @howto
- principles are similar as for any FLIM-recording. General recording of FLIM images can also be found using the link below. The general principles of the data acquisition are analogous
- applications
- uorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) ==== [[general:fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy-_a_short_in
- basics
- ng , theory, simulator and assessment.]] * [[general:fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy-_a_short_in
- imprint
-\\ Vertretungsberechtiger Geschäftsführer/General Manager: Rainer Erdmann\\ HRB 60901 Berlin-Charl
- lsm710
- also for upgrades on an LSM780 or LSM880, and the general principles of the data acquisition are analogous
- measurement_hardware_instrumentation
- o Photon Microscopy (TPM, TPE) by Kurt Thorn]] [[general:advantages_and_disadvantages_of_two_photon_excita
- software
- pectroscopy]] * [[software:PyCorrFit]] is a general-purpose FCS evaluation software that, amongst oth
- supported_th260_pc
- PCs. For all non-listed motherboards/computers a general rule is that TimeHarp should not be connected di
- faq @faq
- ====== Frequently Asked Questions ====== ===== General ===== ===== Lasers, Laser Drivers ===== ===== TCSPC
- fcs @glossary
- Fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy]])) see [[general:fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy-_a_short_in
- support_plane_analysis @glossary
- s we deviate from the axis-parallel direction, in general. We then calculate the reduced $\chi^2$ for this