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fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy-_a_short_introduction @general
23 Hits, Last modified:
uorescence Correlation Spectroscopy ====== ===== General Background ===== Fluorescence Correlation Spectr... T]]. ===== The autocorrelation function ===== In general all relevant information is conveyed by the norma... function is different. <imgcaption figure1|>{{ :general:fcs1.png|Basic concepts of FCS. (A)Slowly diffusi... e and smaller G(0) in comparision to case (A). In general, slower diffusion "shifts" the curve to longer ti
symphotime_tips_and_tricks @howto
4 Hits, Last modified:
ns This tutorial assumes SymPhoTime V2.0 ===== General UI Philosophy ===== * right clicking on graphs... ent > {{info_image.png?800| }} </imgcaption> The general file information contains for example: * the n... specially important for LSM upgrade kits where in general several frames are recorded, while for an image a... on the scaling of the color-encoded component (in general, the lifetime). Changing the color scale can also
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that the Support team of PicoQuant found to be of general interest to our customers or people working with ... me Resolved Fluorescence or [[glossary:TCSPC]] in general. It is not meant to be complete. ==== Frequently... ~~TAGCLOUD:30~~ ===== Basics ===== [[Basics|General Introductions]] [[
how_to_measure_the_instrument_response_function_irf @howto
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r to the fluorescence emission wavelength. ==== General recipe ==== * Create a saturated aqueous KI (p... ay. Our guess is that this quenching trick works generally. Specifically, we found that classic Fluorescei... the color dependence of SPAD detectors, which are generally used in microscopy. Furthermore, even with dete
2 Hits, Last modified:
ympus FluoView FV3000 laser scanning microscope. General recording of FLIM images can also be found using the link below. The general principles of the data acquisition are analogous
flim-fret_measurement_using_an_olympus_fv1200_with_a_flim_and_fcs_upgrade @howto
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principles are similar as for any FLIM-recording. General recording of FLIM images can also be found using the link below. The general principles of the data acquisition are analogous
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uorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) ==== [[general:fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy-_a_short_in
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ng , theory, simulator and assessment.]] * [[general:fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy-_a_short_in
1 Hits, Last modified:\\ Vertretungsberechtiger Geschäftsführer/General Manager: Rainer Erdmann\\ HRB 60901 Berlin-Charl
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also for upgrades on an LSM780 or LSM880, and the general principles of the data acquisition are analogous
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o Photon Microscopy (TPM, TPE) by Kurt Thorn]] [[general:advantages_and_disadvantages_of_two_photon_excita
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pectroscopy]] * [[software:PyCorrFit]] is a general-purpose FCS evaluation software that, amongst oth
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PCs. For all non-listed motherboards/computers a general rule is that TimeHarp should not be connected di
faq @faq
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====== Frequently Asked Questions ====== ===== General ===== ===== Lasers, Laser Drivers ===== ===== TCSPC
advantages_and_disadvantages_of_two_photon_excitation_tpe @general
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und. *The molecular brightness of the dyes is generally around one order of magnitude smaller: You will
fcs @glossary
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support_plane_analysis @glossary
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data_file_import @howto
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pattern_matching @howto
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howto @howto
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update @howto
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pycorrfit @software
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symphotime64 @software
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tcspc_external_markers @support
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dokuwiki @wiki
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syntax @wiki
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