Table of Contents

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How to Avoid the Pile-up Effect in FLIM Measurements

For a definition of the pile-up effect see here: Pile-Up Effect

To avoid pile-up effect the measured count rate should not exceed a certain limit in respect to the laser repetition rate.

We have performed an example measurement with a fluorophore having a lifetime of 4 ns. At 20 MHz laser repetition rate and 2 MHz detection count rate (10%) and a total count number of 10.000 photons in the TCSPC histogram the following results are obtained:

For most FLIM measurements this relative weak pile up effect is acceptable.

If even higher precision is needed for the lifetime measurement the count rate should be lowered to 1% of the repetition rate of the laser.

Measurement of the Pile Up Limit

Calculation of the count rate per pixel to determine the Pile-Up effect

For an already acquired FLIM measurement it is possible to determine the count rate per pixel to determine if a pile-up effect is present. Procedure:

Differential Count Rate

see Differential Count Rate

This feature is only available in the SymPhoTime 64 Version 2.0 that is currently not available for the Leica SP8 SMD. Here, the bin width in the time trace is fixed at 1 msec averaging many pixels. This might not be suited to set the correct average count rate.