This tutorial shows step-by-step, how to fit a selected model to a decay curve in order to get the lifetime of a measured sample. As an example, a single exponential reconvolution fit is used to determine the lifetime of ATTO655 diluted in water.
Select a file and start the script
Note: The “Samples” workspace is delivered with the SymPhoTime 64 and on the CD-ROM and contains example data to show the function of the SymPhoTime data analysis. If you haven't installed it on your computer, copy it from the DVD onto a local drive before going through this tutorial.
Response: The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the workspace panel on the left side of the main window.
by a single mouse click.
Note: The drop down menu can be opened and closed by clicking on the grey button on the left side of the header of the drop down menu:
Response: The TCSPC Fitting script is applied to the file ATTO655_diff_FLCS-pattern.ptu
. Thereby, a new Window opens:
Note: The window contains two different regions:
Note: The software offers the possibility to use a n-exponential tailfit or a n-exponential reconvolution model fit. A tailfit can be used when the expected lifetimes are significantly longer than the FWHM of instrument response function. Still a reconvolution fit is usually preferable, because the complete decay, including its rising edge is analyzed, while for a tailfit, the start of the fitting range is usually a bit arbitrary.
For explanation about the fitting model and the used equations, click on the “Help” button next to the selected model. This opens a help window containing the fitted model l equation and the explanation of the different parameters.
Usually, a decent fit is characterized by the following criteria:
The fitted curve overlays well with the decay curve. In the residual window, the values spread randomly around 0.
The χ²-value approaches 1.
The calculated fitting values are reasonable.
Usually the fitting model using the smallest amount of adjustable parameters is selected.
⇒ In this example, the fit is already sufficient.
Response: A result file (TCSPC_Fitting.pqres
) is stored under the raw data file (ATTO655_diff_FLCS-pattern.ptu
Response: A window opens and asks for a file name to store the exported result file. Select e.g. the name decay.dat
Note: The .dat file contains the TCSPC curve, the estimated instrument response function (IRF) and the fitted curve.
and ATTO655_diff_FLCS-pattern.ptu
with one mouse click each and start the TCSPC fitting script.Response: The TCSPC fitting window is opened and the TCSPC histograms of both files are loaded. The TCSPC histogram from the file “ATTO655_diff_FLCS-pattern.ptu is marked in green, indicating that it is the active file. Under decay data all files are listed, the active file is always highlighted in green.
Note: The file Cy5_diff_IRF+FLCS-pattern.ptu
contains a lifetime measurement of the dye Cy5 in water. In the TCSPC histogram it can be clearly seen that the lifetime of this dye is significantly shorter than the lifetime of ATTO655.
Response: Both data sets are fitted with a single exponential tailfit model. The values of the last dataset are displayed in the fitting table.
Response: The parameter plot is shown. The parameters to be displayed are plotted as points in a graph, with the first point on the left belonging to the first data set, etc.
Note: The parameter plot is in this case not very illuminating, as only 2 datasets are present. It's full potential can be generated, if the same dye is measured several times, because in this case it graphically shows the deviation of the fitting values. It also calculates an average for each fitting value over the data sets. In our example, it is of course meaningless, as two different dyes were fitted.
Response: A window opens and asks for a file name and a folder to store the data, e.g. as fitting values.dat
), which in this case is storedalong with both corresponding raw data files (.ptu