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Separation of 2 Species with Different Lifetimes Using FLCS


This tutorial shows step-by-step, how the FLCS analysis can be used to calculate separate autocorrelation curves for the two components of a mixture of ATTO655 and Cy5 based on their different lifetimes.

Background Information

The two fluorophores ATTO655 (ATTO-Tec, Germany) and Cy5 (GE Healthcare) have almost identical spectral properties and are thus excited with the same wavelength (e.g. 635 nm) and detected at the same spectral range. As also their molecular weight is comparable, the diffusion constant is too similar to distinguish between both dyes in a mixture by means of standard FCS.
Nevertheless, the autocorrelation curves of both dyes differ in the microsecond range. ATTO655 shows practically no photophysical fluctuations. Therefore, FCS curves of ATTO655 can be fitted with the simplest 3D diffusion model, making it very suited for calibration. Cy5 on the contrary, exhibits a distinct bunching term on its FCS trace originating from photophysical processes, i.e. cis/trans isomerization.
The fluorescence lifetime of both dyes differ significantly (~1.8 ns for ATTO655 and ~1 ns for Cy5). In FLCS (Fluorescence Lifetime Correlation Spectroscopy), the lifetimes are used to create specific photon filters allowing to calculate FCS autocorrelation curves for each lifetime component. The aim of this script is to demonstrate, how two FCS traces are calculated from the same dataset, a nanomolar solution of a mixture of both components.
Since the dye separation is based on fluorescence lifetime measurements via TCSPC, this script can only be applied, if at least one fluorophore is excited with a pulsed laser.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Select a file and start the script

The “Samples” workspace is delivered with the SymPhoTime 64 and on the DVD-ROM and contains example data to show the function of the SymPhoTime 64 data analysis. If you haven't installed it on your computer, copy it from the DVD onto a local drive before going through this tutorial.

Response: The files of the sample workspace are displayed in the workspace panel on the left side of the main window.

The drop down menu can be opened and closed by clicking on the grey button on the left side of the header of the drop down menu:

Response: The FLCS script is applied to the file ATTO655+Cy5_diff_FCS+FLCS.ptu. Thereby, a new Window opens:

The window contains three different regions:

  1. Left: Analysis and display options. For explanation of the different parameters, place the mouse cursor over this part of the window and press <F1> to open the corresponding help page.
  2. Upper center/right: Intensity time trace. The display can be changed using the “trace display settings” of the analysis options. The large window shows the inset of the complete trace above highlighted in green. The photon counting histogram on the right displays the frequencies of the different intensity values. Usually, this trace is used to check, whether the signal is stable during the measurement. Also, large intensity spikes originating from aggregation of the fluorescent sample can be detected in this graph.
  3. Lower center/right: FCS trace window. As first the FCS correlation criteria have to be defined and the curve needs to be calculated, this graph does not contain any trace at this stage.

As a prerequisite for both approaches the lifetime patterns of the two components must be sufficiently different. The next steps demonstrate both ways to define the FLCS filters. In practice, apply the better suited option according to the sample.

Definition of the FLCS Filters via Pattern matching (Option 1)

Response: The FLCS pattern matching windows pops up.

This window consists of different sections:

  1. Left: Controls for importing and fitting the patterns. Click on the “Help” button to learn about the meaning of the different parameters.
  2. Upper center: TCSPC histogram of the imported patterns. As we haven't loaded any pattern yet, this graph doesn't contain any data.
  3. Upper right: TCPSC curve of the measured data.

Lower center/right: FLCS filter curve. As no filter has been calculated yet, this graph is still empty.

Response: Another window pops up containing the measurement files from the workspace.


Response: A new window pops up containing the measurement files from the workspace.







Definition of the FLCS Filters via Lifetime Fitting (Option 2)

Response: The TCSPC fitting window pops up.

This window contains different sections:

  1. Left: Controls for fitting the TCSPC curve and the filters. Click on the “Help” button to learn about the meaning of the different parameters.
  2. Upper center/right: TCPSC curve of the measured data.
  3. Lower center/right: FLCS filter curve. As no filter has been calculated yet, this graph is still empty.

Response: The TCSPC curve is fitted. A χ² close to 1 and nicely spread residual indicate a sufficiently good fit.




