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====== IRF ====== IRF stands for **I**nstrument **R**esponse **F**unction. The IRF is the best approximation to a temporally infinit... itation is the most intuitive contribution to the IRF. Of course, the temporal resolution of all compon
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{{tag> pile-up dead_time IRF differential_countrate}} ====== Differential Count Rate ====== Ideally, a decay curve and the corresponding IRF are recorded at the same //differential count rat... to avoid the [[pile-up effect]]). However, for an IRF measurement the same "low" average count rate can be far too high. Consider a 150 ps FWHM IRF measured at an average count rate of 100 kcps (ki
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text deconvolution is mainly concerned with the [[IRF]] (or lamp function) including the finite light s... s (e.g. electronics). The effects caused by the [[IRF]] are dominant in the onset of a decay curve. =... t PicoQuant, for a variety of good reasons (see [[IRF]]) we use [[reconvolution]] instead. If one canno
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olved fluorescence it describes the effects of an IRF with finite width on the observed decay: $Dec_{obs}(t)=\int_{-\infty}^t Dec(t-t')~IRF(t')~dt'$ where $Dec(t)$ is the unconvolved ('rea
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s decay. The time span from the barycentre of the IRF to the barycentre of the decay equals the average... s not suffer as much from low statistics. If an [[IRF]] is not available, the "time zero" $t_\theta$ ha
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he base of a model) convolved with the measured [[IRF]]. Reconvolution is used in PicoQuant software packages (mainly [[software:FluoFit]] and [[software:SymPhoTime]]) for compensating IRF effects.
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may vary in amplitude. Thereby the overall system IRF can be narrowed and some of the random background
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or the broadness of a peak, for example, of the [[IRF]] in an [[TCSPC]] measurement or the focal width(
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the 'real' decay (including convolution with the IRF etc.), while the stochastic nature of the measure