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5 Hits, Last modified:
ion is necessary as well as a high N.A. *used objective: N.A. 1.3 is working, better 1.45 oil! *Altho... ments were possible also with the water immersion objective: with 60x1.2 water less than 50% count rate in comparison to 100x1.3 oil *0.95 N.A. air objective did not yield any usable results. *excitation... 2 bandpasses directly in front of detectors) *objective: 1.3 N.A. oil immersion [{{ howto:emission_nv-c
4 Hits, Last modified:
hole diameter divided by the magnification of the objective. e.g: *60x 1.2N.A. Objective, 640nm excitation *excitation FWHM = 350 nm (typical for 4x out-coupl... nm $ Together with the 60x magnification of the objective the airy disc at the pinhole location is $ d_{PH... nm $ Together with the 60x magnification of the objective both airy discs together, at the the pinhole loca
3 Hits, Last modified:
ope with UPlanSApo 60x, NA = 1.2, water immersion objective.) This is indeed normal, it is the result of u... y position the beam to enter at the center of the objective entrance pupil, and the beam must be of course aligned with the optical axis of the objective. (Note that parallel beam displacement, not just
2 Hits, Last modified:
.A.) * M$$ where $M$ is the magnification of the objective e.g.: * 60x water immersion Olympus objective, NA 1.2 * Dye: Alexa 430 (em. max: 539 nm). => $d_{Airy}
1 Hits, Last modified:
mes for both wavelengths and imperfections of the objective, but can also be caused by degraded test samples
1 Hits, Last modified:
is that the degree of chromatic correction of the objective has its own limits. The best results are obtained
1 Hits, Last modified:
nging the excitation wavelength or the microscope objective. The basic idea is to just follow the excitation
1 Hits, Last modified:
i.e. excitation wavelength, filter configuration, objective and detectors. The correction factors L1 and L2 d