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old_dongles_drivers_for_fluofit_symphotime_32 @faq:old_dongles_drivers_for_fluofit_symphotime_32
9 Hits, Last modified:
o this chapter for guidance. Please note that the software, including the 32-bit version of SymPhoTime and F... re 2: Using Newer Sentinel Drivers from PicoQuant Software Packages (SymPhoTime and EasyTau) ===== Using newer Sentinel drivers from our more recent software packages might also help. Here’s a step-by-step g... 11 (also applicable to the SPT32 dongle and SPT64 software): Install the FluoFit software. Remove/uninstal
6 Hits, Last modified:
=== How can I analyze my data using non-PicoQuant software? ====== {{tag> faq file_format ptu open_source analysis software}} The PicoQuant raw-data format is freely access... e meant as a starting point for your own analysis software. There are also different open source software packages most notably snAPI (
4 Hits, Last modified:
creases linearly with a linear setting in the LSM software. This can create confusion when customers are use... ==== Answer ===== In the SymPhoTime and SEPIA II software, not the laser intensity is regulated, but the cu... nges with the settings on the laser driver or the software, we recommend to use optical attenuation to regul... on, set the intensity to 100% as a default in the software/on the driver and attenuate only optically. This
2 Hits, Last modified:
====== NovaFLIM Licenses ====== {{tag> faq software NovAFLIM license}} For NovaFLIM, we use a software license instead of a hardware dongle to make license m
1 Hits, Last modified:
====== NovaFLIM Calculated IRF ====== {{tag> faq software novaflim IRF}} In the Nova Flim the IRF is param
  • software.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/11/08 10:31
  • by admin