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{{tag> SymPhoTime software howto}} ~~TOC~~ ====== Configuring SymPhoTime64 ====== ====When do you need to configure SymPhoTime64?==== This configuration is done by PicoQuant w... urchase a complete system. Configuration of SymPhoTime 64 by the user may be required when you want to:
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canner markers TTTR Harps PH300 HH400 TH260 SymPhoTime64}} ~~TOC~~ ====== TCSPC modules and External M... ples of [[http://tcspc.com/doku.php/glossary:tttr|Time Tagged Time Resolved Data Registration (TTTR)]] but they should be also physically "fed" to the TCSPC m... go to manual of the TCSPC module (PicoHarp 300, TimeHarp 260, HydraHarp400) and search about "external
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This page is redirected to [[:software:supported_mt200_pc_configuration_for_symphotime_32]].
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