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- pre-histogrammed_image
- ====== Structure of the pre-histogrammed Image Data File====== ^Data Item ^^^^Type ^Descr... 'float32'' |time resolution of the TCSPC histograms in ns | |The following block will appe... r each ''t = 1 to <TCSPCChannels>''|||| | | | | ''HistogramData [x,y,t]'' |''int32''| counts of the TCSPC cha... For an example in Python and Matlab see here:
- t3-mode
- perimental setup is concerned, this is similar to histogramming mode. The main objective is to allow high syn... follows: * the sync divider is employed as in histogramming mode. \\ This reduces the sync rate so that t... event cannot be recorded. This is the same as in histogramming mode, where the number of bins is also finite
- bifl
- a complete burst are accumulated into a [[TCSPC]] histogram which is used for lifetime analysis methods after... [[MCS]] trace, for example, results in a lifetime histogram. BIFL is supported by the [[software:SymPhoTime]
- pile-up_effect
- omponent. Since the pile-up effect distorts the histogram, it must be avoided. To do so, the measured count... total count number of 10.000 photons in the TCSPC histogram the following results are obtained: * the aver
- mcs
- ensemble of photons can be used to form [[TCSPC]] histograms, which in turn can be used for lifetime analysis
- tcspc
- r pulse. The single photon events are sorted into histogram channels that correspond to the time that elapsed