Table of Contents

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Diamond NV Centers


see also Nitrogen-vacancy center

Figure1: Model of the nitrogene vacancy in the diamond lattice



Figure 3 shows the emission spectra of a NV-center. The pronounced Peak at 637nm is the zero-phonon line of the diamond lattice (comparable to Raman).

Fluorescence Lifetime

Measuring NV centers

Figure2: Jablonski diagram of the luminescent transition of the nitrogene-vacancy in a diamond lattice. Bright fluorescence corresponds to the ^3E→^3A (m_s=0) transition

Due to their photo-physical stability the NV-ceneters make for excellent demonstration samples for antibunching measurements. They are also potential candidates to image the confocal volume.

The following will explain how to find and measure NV-centers in bulk diamond.

System setup

Figure3: fluorescence spectrum of a single NV center in diamond excited with 532 nm

Mounting the sample

sample is mounted directly on top of the objective (with immerision oil, without any coverslips etc.).

Imaging/ finding nv centers

Figure4: Prescan of NV-centers in bulk diamond. 5 micrometer into the sample, 80×80 micrometer, 150×150 pixel resolution. 532nm excitation, 690/70 emission, 40MHz rep. rate, approx. 7000 a.u.
Figure5: NV-centers in bulk diamond. 5 micrometer into the sample, 532nm excitation, 690/70 emission, 40MHz rep. rate, 6789.96a.u., 2ms/pixel, 15×15 micron

Typical Measurement Results

NOTE: Measurement setup has to be changed (see antibunching measurements)

Figure6: same as figure 5 but recorded with 10 MHz rep rate., 2304.94 a.u.;4 ms/pixel 45 min rec. time!
Figure7: Fluorescence Lifetime Fit of a selected NV center, 10 Mhz reprate, Inhouse II, MPD/SPAD
Figure8: No bleaching visible. reduction in count rate is due to mechanical drift (inhouse II) on wheelbarrow
Figure9: Antibunching measured on NV-center. Acquisition time 120 s, 1.3 N.A. oil immersion, 3534.98 a.u. 532 nm 690/70 emmission filters


M. Boersch, R. Reutera, G. Balasubramaniana, R. Erdmann, F. Jelezkoa, J. Wrachtrup Fluorescent nanodiamonds for FRET-based monitoring of a single biological nanomotor FoF1-ATP synthase Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7183, 71832N (2009)