A complete software suite for acquisition and analysis of time resolved fluorescence data. SymPhoTime features a powerful scripting language that allows customisation of existing analysis and even implementation of novel analysis techniques.
Phasor Analysis Phasor Analysis is currently included in NovaFLIM. It is not included in SymPhoTime However, you can use Globals developed by the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics to analyse FLIM data via the Phasor approach. Another option would be https://www.phasorpy.org.
EasyTau is the systems software of PicoQuants time resolved spectrometer FluoTime 300.
EasyTau features a scripting language to automate more complex experiments. Examples of EasyTau scripts can be found on github: https://github.com/PicoQuant/EasyTau-Scripts
Decay curve analysis software
Please note that these are external projects for which PicoQuant takes no responsibility and provides no support. In case of problems please contact the respective authors. Also note that such projects may not be maintained continuously. In particular, please check if they use current versions of file formats and/or programming libraries before you invest in larger development work based on such projects.
If you develop improved or new code, please consider contributing your code back to the community.
The compilation below is probably not complete. If you are the maintainer of a software that deals with TCSPC data please edit this page and add your software listing. Alternatively you can also use https://support.picoquant.com to contact PicoQuant support to submit your software project.
These scripts have different scopes and use the library tttrlib to read and correlate time-tagged time resolved (TTTR) files.
GitHub repositories mentioning PicoQuant and supporting the PicoQuant t3r data file format: https://github.com/search?&q=picoquant+OR+picoharp+OR+hydraharp+OR+TimeHarp