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- lifetime_fitting_using_the_tcpsc_fitting_script
- lifetime-fitting_using_the_flim_script
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Fulltext results:
- lifetime_fitting_using_the_flim_analysis @howto
- {{tag>howto analysis FLIM imaging tutorial SymPhoTime}} ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Lifetime Fitting Using the FLIM Analysis ====== ===== Summary ===== This tuto... hows step-by-step, how the FLIM analysis of SymPhoTime 64 can be used to perform a lifetime fit and how to extract and read the results. In detail, the FLIM a
- flim_fret_calculation_for_multi_exponential_donors @howto
- g>tutorial howto analysis FLIM imaging FRET SymPhoTime}} ~~NOTOC~~ ====== FLIM-FRET Calculation for M... This tutorial shows step-by-step, how the "Lifetime FRET Image" analysis of SymPhoTime 64 can be used to calculate pixel-by-pixel the average [[glossary:fr... average FRET-efficiency, first the donor only lifetime is determined using cells that have only been tra
- lifetime-fitting_using_the_rapid_reconvolution_algorithm @howto
- {{tag>howto tutorial FLIM analysis SymPhoTime MT LSM_upgrade reconvolution fitting}} ====== Lifetime-Fitting Using the Rapid Reconvolution Model =====... IM]]. Here in detail the FLIM analysis of SymPhoTime 64 is used to perform a lifetime fit and how to extract and read the results. A mixture of Dragon Green
- software
- ial ===== ==== Microscopy ==== [[software:SymPhoTime64]] \\ A complete software suite for acquisition and analysis of time resolved fluorescence data. SymPhoTime features a powerful scripting language that allows customisation... ovaFLIM]]. It is not included in [[products:SymPhoTime]] However, you can use [[
- intensity_time_trace_analysis @howto
- {{tag> tutorial howto time-trace analysis SymPhoTime}} ~~NOTOC~~ ======Intensity Time Trace Analysis====== ===== Summary ===== This tutorial shows step-by-step, how to draw intensity time traces from a single molecule. The script require
- lifetime_fitting_using_the_tcpsc_fitting_script @howto
- {{tag>howto analysis lifetime tutorial SymPhoTime}} ~~NOTOC~~ ====== SymPhoTime Lifetime Fitting ====== ===== Summary ===== This tutorial shows step-by-step, how to fit a selecte
- lifetime-fitting_using_the_flim_script @howto
- {{tag>howto tutorial FLIM analysis SymPhoTime MicroTime LSM_upgrade}} ====== Lifetime-Fitting Using the FLIM Analysis (updated for SymPhoTime V 2.5 and above) ====== ===== Introduction ====
- flim-fret_calculation_for_single_exponential_donors @howto
- g>tutorial howto FRET FLIM imaging analysis SymPhoTime}} ~~NOTOC~~ ====== FLIM-FRET Calculation for S... This tutorial shows step-by-step, how the "Lifetime FRET Image" analysis of [[products:SymPhoTime64|SymPhoTime 64]] can be used to calculate pixel-by-pixel the FRET efficiency in an image containing a
- fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy-_a_short_introduction @general
- {{tag>MicroTime LSM Theory SymPhoTime FCS Correlation}} ====== Introduction to Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy... opulation of freely diffusing molecules. In short time, the theoritical framework of FCS was expanded to... udy of rotation diffusion. Unfortunately, at that time the application of FCS was impractical due to the
- visualizing_dynamics_using_the_multiframe-flim_script @howto
- ging analysis dynamics tutorial LSM_upgrade SymPhoTime}} ====== Visualizing Dynamics Using the Multi Frame FLIM Analysis (updated for SymPhoTime v2.5 and above) ====== ===== Introduction ===== ... age containing many frames is treated here like a time-series. The example image shows the plasma membra... rane tension changes through its fluorescence lifetime changes. This has been published 2018 in nature:
- roi_fitting_using_the_flim_script @howto
- g> howto FLIM imaging ROI analysis tutorial SymPhoTime}} ~~NOTOC~~ ====== ROI Fitting Using the FLIM A... [[glossary:flim|FLIM]] script of [[products:SymPhoTime64|SymPhoTime 64]] can be used to fit several regions of interest (ROIs), and how to extract and interpr... start the script ==== * Start [[products:SymPhoTime64|SymPhoTime 64]] software. * Open the "Samples
- update @howto
- {{tag>howto tutorial FLIM analysis SymPhoTime MT LSM_upgrade}} ====== ROI Fitting Using the FLIM Analysis (updated for SymPhoTime v2.5)====== ===== Introduction ===== This tutoria... shows step-by-step, how the FLIM script of SymPhoTime 64 can be used to fit several regions of interest... file and start the analysis ==== * Start SymPhoTime 64 software (this tutorial uses version 2.5, ther
- visualizing_dynamics_with_the_multi_frame_flim_analysis @howto
- ti-frame imaging analysis dynamics tutorial SymPhoTime}} ~~NOTOC~~ ====== Visualizing Dynamics Using t... start the script ==== * Start [[products:SymPhoTime64|SymPhoTime 64]] software. * Open the "Samples" workspace via "File -> Open Workspace" from the main... e "Samples" workspace is delivered with the SymPhoTime 64 and on the CD-ROM and contains example data to
- some_origins_of_multiexponetial_decays_for_single_dyes
- ecays for pure dyes ====== The fluorescence lifetime of a dye measured with a TCSPC spectrometer can b... arizers at magic angle, the rotation correlation time shows up as a second exponential in the decay (th... s in fact the product of the rotation correlation time and the fluorescence lifetime, divided by their sum). And they also know that measuring without polariz
- symphotime_tips_and_tricks @howto
- {{tag>Howto Analysis Tutorial SymPhoTime Tips&Tricks}} ====== SymPhoTime 64 Analysis Tips and Tricks ====== ~~TOC~~ ===== Summary ===== Th... orial explains a few features of [[products:SymPhoTime64]] that can help to make working with the softwa... * Different file-types used or generated by SymPhoTime64 * Image Display * ROI-handling * Export