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avoid_pile_up_effect_in_flim_measurements @howto
12 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag> howto FLIM acquisition pile-up TCSPC}} ~~TOC~~ ====== How to Avoid the Pile-up Effect in FLIM Measurements ====== For a definition of the pile-up effect see here: [[glossary:pile-up_effect|Pile-Up Effect]] To avoid [[glossary:pile-up_effect|pile-
configuring_symphotime64_after_installation @support
11 Hits, Last modified:
4 * to use SymPhoTime64 with a "home-made" set-up. ====Before Proceeding:==== These short instruct... hoTIme the user has to choose the exprimental set up type for which the SymPhoTime 64 will be used. \\... en SymPhoTIme is open go to Settings->Hardware Setup * The Hardware window will open in which you ca... ce driver and press on "Connect". * You can set up the Laser Heads by pressing "Setup Heads" and a n
pile-up_effect @glossary
10 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag> TCSPC pile-up dead_time}} ~~TOC~~ ====== Pile-Up Effect ====== The Pile-Up effect describes the effects of photons lost at high photon count rates due... etect only one photon after one laser shot. "Pile up" describes the effects of photons lost at hight p
fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy-_a_short_introduction @general
9 Hits, Last modified:
es through the detection volume of a confocal set-up. Since then a series of studies have been perfor... se of point, single color FCS with a confocal set up will be examined. For FCS of freely diffusing fluorescent molecules in a confocal setup the origin of the intensity fluctuations, will be... in FCS studies. Assume that we use the same set-up to measure the diffusion of three globular fluo
syntax @wiki
8 Hits, Last modified:
===== [[doku>DokuWiki]] supports some simple markup language, which tries to make the datafiles to be... und:playground|playground]] page. The simpler markup is easily accessible via [[doku>toolbar|quickbutt... ll these. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too. You can use <sub>subscript</sub> and <sup>superscript</sup>, too. You can
asymptotic_standard_errors @glossary
6 Hits, Last modified:
parameter axis. We then calculate the reduced X<sup>2</sup> for this new paramter set. By iterating this procedure we get X<sup>2</sup> as a function of the parameter of interest. The intersection points of this function with a g
old_dongles_drivers_for_fluofit_symphotime_32 @faq:old_dongles_drivers_for_fluofit_symphotime_32
6 Hits, Last modified:
ot your system. Install Sentinel_LDK_Run-time_setup [[https://supportportal.thalesgroup.com/csm?sys_kb_id=61fb0ee1dbd2e78cfe0aff3dbf9619ab&id=kb_article_... ysparm_article=KB0018320|Sentinel_LDK_Run-time_setup]] (available on the Sentinel webpage; exact locat... old to run properly on Windows 10/11, you can set up a Windows 7 Virtual Machine (VM) and use the last
t3-mode @glossary
5 Hits, Last modified:
d to a sync signal. As far as the experimental setup is concerned, this is similar to histogramming mo... . The main objective is to allow high sync rates (up to 84 MHz) which could not be handled in T2 Mode.... nted by four bits in each TTTR record, that allow up to four routing channels to be distinguished. How... ]] (First In First Out) buffer capable of holding up to 256 k event records. The FIFO input is fast en
supported_mt200_pc_configuration_for_symphotime_32 @software
5 Hits, Last modified:
tion PCI framegrabber ===== Howto ===== * Backup the SymPhoTime settings folder to a USB drive. Th... indows * Check if the Peak CAN Controller Shows up in the Device Manager: {{ :support:device_manager... correctly installed (mvSigma, mVDelta should show up under Audio, Video and Gamecontroller): {{ :suppo... pported: TimeHarp 200, all versions PicoHarp 300, up to version HydraHarp 400, up to version 1.2 * N
differential_count_rate @glossary
4 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag> pile-up dead_time IRF differential_countrate}} ====== Differential Count Rate ====== Ideally,... various counting losses.(E.g. to avoid the [[pile-up effect]]). However, for an IRF measurement the sa... / = 100 000 counts ⁄ (10 000 000 pulses · 150·10<sup>-12</sup> second) ≅ 66 666 667 cps This is still just an optimistic approximation based on an averag
flim_fret_calculation_for_multi_exponential_donors @howto
4 Hits, Last modified:
time of the dark background is usually very long (up to 1/2 of the TCSPC window), which makes the colo... ates have been significantly higher than the pile up limit, or in cases, where the repetition rate has... time of the dark background is usually very long (up to 1/2 of the TCSPC window), which makes the colo... ET efficiency around 0 is expected and also shows up in the histogram. * On the lower right, the
separation_of_2_species_with @howto
4 Hits, Last modified:
esponse:** The FLCS pattern matching windows pops up. {{ separation_of_2_species_with_Image_8.png?600 ... Image_9.png }} **Response:** Another window pops up containing the measurement files from the workspa... _Image_13.png }} **Response:** A new window pops up containing the measurement files from the workspa... g }} **Response:** The TCSPC fitting window pops up. {{ separation_of_2_species_with_Image_28.png?600
3 Hits, Last modified:
orescence Spectroscopy and Imaging by research group Seidel, HHU]]: A collection of independent sotftw... rfrom the analysis workflow put forward by the group.Please note that a trial version is available. ... -for-Single-Molecule-Spectroscopy|Researchgate group Open Computational Tools for Single-Molecule Spec
calculate_ratiometric_single_pair_fret_distributions_using_the_pie-fret_script @howto
3 Hits, Last modified:
ript_Image_17.png }} **Response:** A window pops up asking for a file name and a place to store the u... your profile there. **Response:** A window pops up with the message that the software needs to be re... _Image_21.png?600 }} **Response:** A window pops up with the message that the software needs to be re
calibrate_the_confocal_volume_for_fcs_using_the_fcs_calibration_script @howto
3 Hits, Last modified:
}} **Response:** The FCS Calibration window pops up. {{ calibrate_the_confocal_volume_for_fcs_using_t... ript_Image_21.png }} **Response:** A window pops up asking to confirm the calibration values. * Cli... rmed whenclosing the software. A message will pop up when closing SymPhoTime 64: {{ calibrate_the_con
diamond_nv_centers @howto
3 Hits, Last modified:
how_to_measure_the_instrument_response_function_irf @howto
3 Hits, Last modified:
microtime @products
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chi_square_management @glossary
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t2-mode @glossary
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antibunching_measurements @howto
2 Hits, Last modified:
lifetime-fitting_using_the_flim_script @howto
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update @howto
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using_the_anisotropy_image_script @howto
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novaflim_calculated_irf @faq
1 Hits, Last modified:
community_news @general
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dead_time @glossary
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2ffcs @howto
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calculate_and_fit_fcs_traces_with_the_fcs_script @howto
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check_overlap_of_different_color_confocal_volumes @howto
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data_file_import @howto
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intensity_time_trace_analysis @howto
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lifetime_fitting_using_the_flim_analysis @howto
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pattern_matching @howto
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roi_fitting_using_the_flim_script @howto
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symphotime_tips_and_tricks @howto
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using_the_antibunching_script @howto
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dokuwiki @wiki
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welcome @wiki
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