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- flim_fcs_using_olympus_fluoview_fv3000_lsm_upgrade_kit
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- pile-up_effect (glossary)
- support_plane_analysis
- avoid_pile_up_effect_in_flim_measurements
- calculate_fccs_trace_with_the_grouped_fcs_script
- flim_measurement_using_a_nikon_a1_with_a_flim_and_fcs_upgrade
- flim-fret_measurement_using_an_olympus_fv1200_with_a_flim_and_fcs_upgrade
- performing_an_fcs_measurement_with_an_olympus_fv1200_upgrade_kit
- recording_a_fluorescence_lifetime_image_flim_stack_with_a_lsm_upgrade_kit_on_a_nikon_a1
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- supported_mt200_pc_configuration_for_symphotime_32
- supported_mt200_pc_configuration_for_symphotime_64
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Fulltext results:
- flim_fret_calculation_for_multi_exponential_donors @howto
- pplication note [[ files/7267/appnote_flim_fret.pdf]]. Th... The window contains five different regions:\\ **Upper left:** Imaging analysis options.\\ **Upper center:** Fast FLIM image, displayed in false color s... time of the dark background is usually very long (up to 1/2 of the TCSPC window), which makes the colo
- avoid_pile_up_effect_in_flim_measurements @howto
- {{tag> howto FLIM acquisition pile-up TCSPC}} ~~TOC~~ ====== How to Avoid the Pile-up Effect in FLIM Measurements ====== For a definition of the pile-up effect see here: [[glossary:pile-up_effect|Pile-Up Effect]] To avoid [[glossary:pile-up_effect|pile-
- fluorescence_correlation_spectroscopy-_a_short_introduction @general
- es through the detection volume of a confocal set-up. Since then a series of studies have been perfor... se of point, single color FCS with a confocal set up will be examined. For FCS of freely diffusing fl... in FCS studies. Assume that we use the same set-up to measure the diffusion of three globular fluo... regarding: * [[
- lifetime-fitting_using_the_flim_script @howto
- o tutorial FLIM analysis SymPhoTime MicroTime LSM_upgrade}} ====== Lifetime-Fitting Using the FLIM Analysis (updated for SymPhoTime V 2.5 and above) ====== ====... background is usually very long (with an average up to 1/2 of the TCSPC window), which makes the colo... **Response:**\\ FLIM Preview image will get updated. Optimize contrast by adapting "Min" and "
- separation_of_2_species_with @howto
- s <F1> to open the corresponding help page. - **Upper center/right:** Intensity time trace. The disp... esponse:** The FLCS pattern matching windows pops up. {{ separation_of_2_species_with_Image_8.png?600 ... ut the meaning of the different parameters. - **Upper center:** TCSPC histogram of the imported patt... n yet, this graph doesn't contain any data. - **Upper right:** TCPSC curve of the measured data. Low
- pile-up_effect @glossary
- {{tag> TCSPC pile-up dead_time}} ~~TOC~~ ====== Pile-Up Effect ====== The Pile-Up effect describes the effects of photons lost at high photon count rates due... etect only one photon after one laser shot. "Pile up" describes the effects of photons lost at hight p
- symphotime_tips_and_tricks @howto
- post-acquisition analysis is performed - speeds up the processing for additional analysis. - This ... times) * Frames (especially important for LSM upgrade kits where in general several frames are rec... with the MT200 this is done automatically, in LSM upgrade systems, which are not remotely controlled b... d "Pattern Matching" the feature is made availble upon clicking on the **"Resolution estimation"** tab
- configuring_symphotime64_after_installation @support
- the user may be required when you want to: * upgrade SymPhoTime64 * change from SymPhoTime to ... 4 * to use SymPhoTime64 with a "home-made" set-up. ====Before Proceeding:==== These short instruct... hoTIme the user has to choose the exprimental set up type for which the SymPhoTime 64 will be used. \\... options depending on using the SPT64 with an LSM upgrade kit or a [[products:MicroTime]] {{ :suppor
- lifetime_fitting_using_the_flim_analysis @howto
- \ The window contains five different regions:\\ **Upper left:** imaging analysis options.\\ **Upper center:** Fast FLIM image, displayed in a false color ... time of the dark background is usually very long (up to 1/2 of the TCSPC window), which makes the colo... e. In this case, the scale has to be adapted.\\ **Upper right:** the Fluorescence Lifetime Histogram.
- calibrate_the_confocal_volume_for_fcs_using_the_fcs_calibration_script @howto
- icoQuant (see [[ <F1> to open the corresponding help page.\\ - **Upper center/right:** Intensity time trace. The disp... d from calculating the FCS trace by adjusting the upper vertical red limit bars in the small upper trace.\\ - **Lower center/right:** FCS trace window.
- flim_measurement_using_a_nikon_a1_with_a_flim_and_fcs_upgrade @howto
- {{tag> FLIM acquisition Nikon demo video LSM_upgrade howto}} ====== FLIM Measurement Using a Nikon A1 with a FLIM and FCS Upgrade ====== This tutorial shows the recording of FLIM images using an LSM upgrade kit, in this case a Nikon A1. In FLIM-measur... of the data acquisition are analogous in all LSM upgrade kits. The movie was recorded in 02/2014 and
- using_the_flcs_script_for_spectral_crosstalk_removal_via_flccs @howto
- s <F1> to open the corresponding help page. - **Upper center/right:** Intensity time trace. The disp... esponse:** The FLCS pattern matching windows pops up. {{ using_the_flcs_script_for_spectral_crosstalk_... ut the meaning of the different parameters. - **Upper center:** The graph for the imported patterns.... n yet, this graph doesn't contain any data. - **Upper right:** A graph containing the TCPSC curve of
- microtime @products
- .com|PicoQuant GmbH]] ===== MicroTime 100 ===== Upright Time-resolved Fluorescence Microscope * Complete system with laser combining unit, upright microscope body and detection unit * Pulse... 75 nm to 810 nm * Multiple detector options for up to four detection channels * XY-scanning piezo ... imaging * Wide range scanner with a scan range up to several cm See the webpage for
- supported_mt200_pc_configuration_for_symphotime_32 @software
- uration for SymPhoTime 32 ====== **NOTE:** When upgrading your system we strongly encourage you to d... ivers for Network, Mainboard etc. * Run windows update to fetch all the latest updates * Install the Peak CAN PCI card * Start Windows * Check if the Peak CAN Controller Shows up in the Device Manager: {{ :support:device_manager
- calculate_ratiometric_fret-images @howto
- pplication note [[ files/7267/appnote_flim_fret.pdf]].\\ ... e window contains five different regions:\\ - **Upper left:** imaging calculation analysis options.\\ - **Upper center:** Fast FLIM image, displayed in false ... gned yet, this image area is still empty.\\ - **Upper right:** FRET image. As it has not been calcul