Phasor Analysis
Phasor Analysis is currently not included in SymPhoTime64. However, you can use Globals developed by the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics to analyse FLIM data via the Phasor approach.
Install SimFCS
- Download Globals for Images
- Install SimFCS according to the documentation: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/globals/
Exporting from SymPhoTime64
- Start FLIM analysis
- Calculate a fastFLIM image
- Select Export Binary 1)
Analysis in Globals/SimFCS
- follow the Reading PicoQuant BIN files tutorial of the Globals Software package to import the BIN files.
- follow the Phasor Analysis Tutorial of the Globals Software.
Users of SymPhoTime 32 with a PicoHarp 300 ,please refer to:
Additional Tutorials for the Globals software can be found here: http://www.lfd.uci.edu/globals/tutorials/