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Matching pagenames:
- 2ffcs (howto)
- align_beam_backreflection
- antibunching_measurements
- avoid_pile_up_effect_in_flim_measurements
- calculate_and_fit_fcs_traces_with_the_fcs_script
- calculate_fccs_trace_with_the_grouped_fcs_script
- calculate_ratiometric_fret-images
- calculate_ratiometric_single_pair_fret_distributions
- calculate_ratiometric_single_pair_fret_distributions_using_the_pie-fret_script
- calibrate_the_confocal_volume_for_fcs_using_the_fcs_calibration_script
- check_overlap_of_different_color_confocal_volumes
- data_file_import (howto)
- determination_of_the_focal_width_with_the_focal
- diamond_nv_centers (howto)
- exchange_dichroic_mt200
- flim_fret_calculation_for_multi_exponential_donors
- flim_measurement_using_a_nikon_a1_with_a_flim_and_fcs_upgrade
- flim-fret_calculation_for_single_exponential_donors
- flim-fret_measurement_using_an_olympus_fv1200_with_a_flim_and_fcs_upgrade
- how_to_measure_the_instrument_response_function_irf
- how_to_work_with_the_instrument_response_function_irf
- intensity_time_trace_analysis
- lifetime_fitting_using_the_flim_analysis
- lifetime_fitting_using_the_tcpsc_fitting_script
- lifetime-fitting_using_the_flim_script
- lifetime-fitting_using_the_rapid_reconvolution_algorithm
- measuring_quantum_yield
- mt200everyday_alignment
- mt200fcs (howto)
- mt200fundamental_alignement
- pattern_matching (howto)
- performing_an_fcs_measurement_with_an_olympus_fv1200_upgrade_kit
- phasor_analysis (howto)
- reconvolution_fit (howto)
- recording_a_fluorescence_lifetime_image_flim_stack_with_a_lsm_upgrade_kit_on_a_nikon_a1
- registering_new_scripts
- roi_fitting_using_the_flim_script
- select_the_correct_pinhole_size
- separation_of_2_species_with
- start (howto)
- symphotime_tips_and_tricks
- t3r_antibunching_-_slow_decay
- update (howto)
- using_the_anisotropy_image_script
- using_the_antibunching_script
- using_the_flcs_script_for_spectral_crosstalk_removal_via_flccs
- visualizing_dynamics_using_the_multiframe-flim_script
- visualizing_dynamics_with_the_multi_frame_flim_analysis
- phasor_plot_structure_separation
Fulltext results:
- flim_fret_calculation_for_multi_exponential_donors
- {{tag>tutorial howto analysis FLIM imaging FRET SymPhoTime}} ~~NOTOC~~ ====== FLIM-FRET Calculation fo... _for_FRET.ptu''. Thereby, a new Window opens: {{ :howto:flim-fret-multiexpd_analysis_flim.png |}} **Note... channel the donor emission has been recorded. {{ :howto:flim-fret-multiexpd_ch2.png?400 |}} * Press "C... transfected only with the donor constructs. {{ :howto:flim-fret-multiexpd_enahncedcontrast.png?400 |}}
- lifetime-fitting_using_the_rapid_reconvolution_algorithm
- {{tag>howto tutorial FLIM analysis SymPhoTime MT LSM_upgrade reconvolution fitting}} ====== Lifetime-Fi... art the FLIM analysis by clicking on "Start". {{ howto:flimgui.png?200 |}} **Response:**\\ The FLIM an... o the data file. Thereby, a new Window opens: {{ howto:sptwindows_rapidflim.png |}} **Note:**\\ The w... etime range for histogram on the right hand. {{ howto:contrastadaptation2.png?600 |}} * Set Proper
- visualizing_dynamics_using_the_multiframe-flim_script
- {{tag>howto FLIM multi-frame imaging analysis dynamics tutorial LSM_upgrade SymPhoTime}} ====== Visualiz... rame FLIM" analysis by clicking on "Start".\\ {{ howto:mflimgui.png?300 |}} **Response:**\\ The FLIM... DCK_Cells.ptu''. Thereby, a new Window opens: {{ howto:fullscreen_tensionsensor_2.png |}} **Note:**\\ T... lation by clicking on "Calculate FastFLIM".\\ {{ howto:framebin_10_3.png?300 |}} **Response:**\\ An ima
- update
- {{tag>howto tutorial FLIM analysis SymPhoTime MT LSM_upgrade}} ====== ROI Fitting Using the FLIM Analys... rt the FLIM script by clicking on "Start".\\ {{ howto:startflim.png?200 |}} **Response:**\\ The FL... lls_FLIM.ptu''. Thereby, a new Window opens: {{ howto:kidneyfullscreen3.png |}} **Note:**\\ The windo... channel 4 - and press "Calculate FastFLIM".\\ {{ howto:detectionchannel.png?400 |}} **Response:**\\ Th
- flim-fret_calculation_for_single_exponential_donors
- {{tag>tutorial howto FRET FLIM imaging analysis SymPhoTime}} ~~NOTOC~~ ====== FLIM-FRET Calculation fo... ce panel on the left side of the main window. {{ :howto:flim-fret-1expd_samples_ws.png |}} * Highlight... T_GFP and mRFP.ptu'' by a single mouse click. {{ :howto:flim-fret-1expd_gret_gfp_and_mrfp.png |}} * Se... in there, open the drop down menu "Imaging". {{ :howto:flim-fret-1expd_analysis_imaging.png?500 |}} **N
- lifetime-fitting_using_the_flim_script
- {{tag>howto tutorial FLIM analysis SymPhoTime MicroTime LSM_upgrade}} ====== Lifetime-Fitting Using the ... e FLIM analysis. Thereby, a new Window opens: {{ howto:kidneyfullscreen3.png |}} **Note:**\\ The window... I" checkbox and click "ROI from threshold".\\ {{ howto:activateroi.png |}} **Response:**\\ A large win... a threshold for an image analysis visually. {{ howto:selectthreshold_kidney3.png |}} **Note:**\\ Lef
- measuring_quantum_yield
- g> FT300 easyTau Quantum_Yield Integrating_Sphere howto tutorial}} ====== Measuring the Quantum Yield wi... an indexed lid to ensure proper orientation. {{ :howto:2013-12-19_at_14-30-03.jpg?600 |}} * Use the p... he sample holder into the integrating sphere {{ :howto:2013-12-19_at_14-35-37.jpg?600 |}} * Select ei... ight originating from the sphere's surface). {{ :howto:2013-12-19_at_14-35-27.jpg?600 |}} * Switch on
- diamond_nv_centers
- {{tag>howto antibunching correlation sample}} ~~TOC~~ ====== Diamond NV Centers ====== =====Basics===== see also [[wp>Nitrogen-vacancy center]] [{{ howto:model_nv-centers.png|Figure1: Model of the nitrog... ox. 12ns. ===== Measuring NV centers ===== [{{ howto:jablonski_nv-centers.png|Figure2: Jablonski diagr... ors) *objective: 1.3 N.A. oil immersion [{{ howto:emission_nv-centers.png?250x180|Figure3: fluoresc
- data_file_import
- ate a new workspace or open an existing one: {{ :howto:et2_createopen.png | File menu }} Then select I... alog opens, where the data file is selected: {{ :howto:et2_fileimport.png | Selects the file to be impor... ftware]]. This file contains two histograms: an [[howto:how_to_measure_the_instrument_response_function_i... ned in the native software, looks like this: {{ :howto:et2_originalhistograms.png | Original data file c
- how_to_work_with_the_instrument_response_function_irf
- {{tag>howto IRF tutorial analysis MicroTime LSM_upgrade}} ====== How to Work with Instrument Response F... ator the timing resolution of the instrument. {{ howto:irf.png?500 |}} The IRF width is approx. a quad... re described here: ral strategies are possible which are described [[howto:how_to_measure_the_instrument_response_function_i
- symphotime_tips_and_tricks
- {{tag>Howto Analysis Tutorial SymPhoTime Tips&Tricks}} ====== SymPhoTime 64 Analysis Tips and Tricks... ice direction"** in the following GUIs \\ \\ {{:howto:slice_direction.jpg?250|}} \\ \\ * FLIM * ... icking on the **"Resolution estimation"** tab. {{:howto:resestimationflim.jpg?250|}} \\ \\ or \\ \\ {{:howto:pattern_resolution_est.jpg?250|}} Let us take a
- howto
- ====== HowTo's and Tutorials ====== ===== Instrumentation ===== ==== Fluorometer ==== {{topic>howto support +FT300 -sample -analysis -draft &nodate&nouser}} ==== Microscopy ==== {{topic>howto -FT300 -sample -analysis -draft &nodate&nouser}} ... .etc'' files can be opened directly, using the {{:howto:ff.png|}} button. * It is also possible to use
- reconvolution_fit
- cay curve. Open the Fitting Window by pressing {{:howto:ff.png?40|}}. {{ :howto:et_sel1.png |}} \\ \\ The last curve in the container, ''crv[1]'', a decay c... an IRF and then change the fitting modality. {{ :howto:et_fitwindow1.png |}} \\ \\ Clicking on (select... e type" can be changed from "Decay" to "IRF". {{ :howto:et_fitwindow2.png |}} \\ \\ The plot is updat
- align_beam_backreflection
- {{tag>howto MicroTime200 microscopy backreflection alignment }} ====== Image on the beam diagnostics came... just tilting, is necessary to achieve that.) {{:howto:backreflection_defocused1.mp4|}} Adding a drop o... how this is used also by watching the tutorial [[howto:exchange_dichroic_mt200|How to exchange the main
- antibunching_measurements
- {{tag>howto antibunching correlation}} ~~TOC~~ ====== How to Perform Antibunching Measurements ====== ... = Software Settings during Acquisition === [{{ howto:100210_06_antibunching.png?400|Figure 1: Correlat... ters]]. Laser rep. rate 10 MHz for details}}] [{{ howto:100210_step_05_antibunching.png?400|Figure 2: Cor