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nnot work neither within nor outside SymPhoTime64 software * Supported for the "Analysis Mode" ===== Win... CIe Framegrabber \\ [[]] * ... ak CAN PCI board \\ [[]] **not supported:... load an install the [[|Peak CAN drivers]]:
5 Hits, Last modified:
====== FluoFit ====== The FluoFit software package is a powerful global analysis software for fluorescence decay and anisotropy measurements. Tail fit... on ([[glossary:IRF]]) can be applied. The FluoFit software is available in two versions (Basic and Professio... see [[
5 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag>SymPhoTime software}} ~~TOC~~ ====== SymPhoTime 64 ====== The [[|PicoQuant]] SymPhoTime 64 software package is an integrated solution for data acquis... e results rather than on the data processing. The software is designed for a 64 bit operation system and fea... see [[
3 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag> software analysis open_source FCS}} ====== PyCorrFit: data analysis software for fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) =... ..] PyCorrFit is a general-purpose FCS evaluation software that, amongst other formats, supports the establi
3 Hits, Last modified:
====== SymPhoTime ====== The SymPhoTime software package is an integrated solution for data acquisition and... ectronics. After several very successful years [[software:SymPhoTime32]] has been replaced by the completely rewritten 64bit version [[software:SymPhoTime64]].
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{{tag> EasyTau software FT300 support}} ~~TOC~~ ====== EasyTau ====== ===== Scripts ===== EasyTau features... sfer script to customised mode, script page'' {{ :software:create_script.png?600 |}} * Adjust to your liki
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Ie Framegrabber \\ [[]] ... k CAN PCIe board \\ [[]] \\ Note: older ve
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=== SymPhoTime 32 is the name of the now obsolete software package for data acquisition and analysis using ... cts:TCSPC electronics]]. SymPhoTime has been replace by the 64bit version called [[software:SymPhoTime64]]
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{{tag>software analysis FCS open_source}} ====== FCS viewer: FCS data visualizer for PicoQuant data format
1 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag> software analysis FLIM open_source}} ====== FLIMfit ====== FLIMfit is an open source package for ra
  • software.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/11/08 10:31
  • by admin