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Time-Resolved Fluorescence Wiki

This wiki is a loose collection of documents that the Support team of PicoQuant found to be of general interest to our customers or people working with Time Resolved Fluorescence or TCSPC in general. It is not meant to be complete.

Frequently Used Tags


03.09.19 Nice FRET Review published FRET as a biomolecular research tool — understanding its potential while avoiding pitfalls

04.09.19 website is online. The FRET community serves as a hub for joint scientific efforts in the field of Förster resonance energy


HowTo's and Tutorials

Measurement Hardware / Instrumentation


Data Acquisition and Analysis Software

Fluorophores and Samples

Support Documents

start.1567585521.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/04 08:25 by sisamakis